
A selection of Waterline publication articles:

Reducing healthcare acquired infections through new technology

As featured in Waterline Summer 2024 Reducing healthcare acquired infections through new technology By Jonathan Waggott, Managing Director of Angel Guard Healthcare-acquired infections (HCAIs)are, as the name implies, infectionscontracted as a direct result of treatmentor being within a healthcare settingat time of contraction. As we are wellaware, HCAIs pose a serious risk topatients, staff, and… Read more »

Can forward progress reverse our carbon footprint?

As featured in Waterline Summer 2024 Can forward progress reverse our carbon footprint? By Kimberly Arbuckle, Key Accounts Manager, Angel Guard In our continual pursuit of enhancing lives and fostering positive outcomes for all, we are constantly inspired by innovative ideas that offer solutions to pressing challenges. As we navigate through an era where the… Read more »

Monochloramine – A new approach to disinfection of water systems

As featured in Waterline Spring 2024 MonochloramineA new approach to disinfection of water systems By Frank Butterworth, Technical Director at Goodwater Ltd This article discusses the issue of Legionella bacteria, which can be present in water systems and can cause respiratory illnesses. Various strategies have been used to combat these bacteria over the years, but… Read more »

Remembering Dr P John Alvey

As featured in Waterline Spring 2024 Remembering Dr P John Alvey It was with great sadness that we announced the passing of Dr P John Alvey in the Winter issue of Waterline. John was involved with WMSoc for over 30 years, and with the LCA from its inception. During the 1990’s WMSoc struggled financially with… Read more »

One day in 1984 in the life of a Water Treatment Consultant in the Middle East

As featured in Waterline Spring 2024 As part of WMSoc’s tribute to Dr P John Alvey, the Waterline Committee has sourced this article written by John from the Waterline archives.The article was first published in the Winter 2021/22 issue of Waterline. One day in 1984 in the life of a Water Treatment Consultant in the… Read more »

International Women’s Day 2024 – ‘Inspiring Inclusion’

As featured in Waterline Spring 2024 International Women’s Day 2024 – ‘Inspiring Inclusion’ By Elise Maynard The campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is #InspireInclusion. International Women’s Day (IWD) 2024 seeks to inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion and when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging,… Read more »

How we can save the planet from Climate Catastrophe

As featured in Waterline Winter 2023-24 How we can save the planet from Climate Catastrophe By Geoff Walker This article looks at what we must do along with governments, scientists and industry to innovate and adopt solutions and reverse our direction of travel. Originally published in Spring 2021, reading back through gives an interesting insight… Read more »

The future challenges facing the water industry

As featured in Waterline Winter 2023-24 The future challenges facing the water industry Written by Anthea Davies MSc, CMIOSH, FRSC, AIEMA, MWSoc. – ADepta Consulting Limited. You’ll hear a lot today about the pressures the sector is facing. Water resources. River and bathing water quality. Climate change. Cost of living pressures. The issues themselves aren’t… Read more »

The future for heating in the UK: Surfactant stabilised formulations for improving energy transfer

As featured in Waterline Winter 2023-24 The future for heating in the UK:Surfactant stabilised formulations for improving energy transfer Robert Wilson 1, *, Mohammed Yaseen 2, *, Ahmed Etayeb b*Corresponding Author AbstractNext to transport, the heating and cooling1 of our buildings is the largest user of energy in the UK. Around 35% of UK energy… Read more »

The Water-Energy Nexus

As featured in Waterline Winter 2023-24 The Water-Energy Nexus By Anthea Davies MSc, CMIOSH, FRSC, AIEMA, MWSoc. – ADepta Consulting Limited. ‘The Water-Energy Nexus’ explores the connection between water and energy and how this dependency impacts upon the water cycle and future changes in the climate. What is the energy nexus:Definition: a connection or series… Read more »

Diary Dates & Events

Grime Scene


Following on from the successful Grime Scene competition, we have decided to continue the theme for another year, but with a twist. This year, we are asking for photographs of the grimiest pictures you can find accompanied with another photograph of how the ‘scene’ has been improved by your maintenance or cleaning.

We will display the photographs in each of the Waterline editions throughout 2024. The ‘most improved’ picture will be chosen by WMSoc members via an online vote. The winner will receive a £25 Amazon Gift Voucher after the Winter 2024/25 edition has been published.

Please send your photographs to:
[email protected].

Product & Service Spotlight

Secondary disinfection options from B & V Chemicals:

We can offer our customers several secondary disinfection options to control issues like biofilm formation and harmful bacteria proliferation

Genox or chlorine dioxide
For water usage above 60m³/day, we recommend installing either a chlorine dioxide unit or a Genox unit. The Genox units generate hypochlorous acid from brine electrolysis with running costs as low as 4.0 pence/m³.

Ultralox 40 or SuPerSil
For smaller systems, continuous dosing with Ultralox 40, a hypochlorous acid solution, is a cost-effective alternative with few safety risks.
Similarly, silver peroxide dosing suits low to medium water usage systems.

For more information contact [email protected]

How the NEW SolidTek® Biocide Feeder Package will BENEFIT YOU

SolidTek® has launched its NEW Biocide Feeder which is functional, compact, and environmentally-friendly.

Designed for use with SolidTek’s® enhanced bromine biocide, BromTek, it offers multiple benefits:

Reduced exposure to fumes and bromine dust (non-pressurised system).

Use with field proven mixed hydantoin biocide - better performance than standard bromine tablets.

Wall mounted reducing footprint of installation.

Charge with product in under 5 minutes without isolation from the system.

Product calculators and tech support available.

Lovibond MD640 Photometer (PTSA & Fluorescein capable)

Product Spotlight Drop Test Kits

How many times have you heard … ‘we’re not sure what the system volume is’. A common problem which can be expensive - wasting chemical over dosing, or underdosing so the treatment is ineffective (i.e. shock dosing a biocide). The MD640 photometer has PTSA & Fluorescein capability built in. Simply use our System Checkers to add to an unknown system and read a PTSA or Fluorescein levels to accurately identify the system volume.

The Hydrosense PRO range


The Hydrosense PRO range pioneers Legionella pneumophila detection, the cause of over 97% of Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks, by identifying all the serogroups 1-15 of this dangerous Legionella species. This easy-to-use, highly sensitive test uses unique filtration, offering a three-line test result that distinguishes between serogroup 1 and serogroups 2-15 within 25 minutes. The water test has a level of detection of 100 CFU/L and swab tests detect 200 CFU per swabbed area, providing crucial, rapid insights for water safety management.

TME Thermometers

Save time and money on your ACoPL8 testing with TME’s innovative legionella solutions.
• Perform faster temperature tests with our MM2008 Thermometer with integral timer for running of hot and cold water taps.
• Simplify concealed TMV testing with our TC Wall Port, a remote access point for temperature sensors you can install yourself. Once in place, take instant readings from a more convenient location – no more climbing ladders or removing panelling.
• Update to paperless recording with our MM7000-2D Barcode Scanning Bluetooth Thermometer.
• Get FREE UKAS traceable calibration certificates.
• Visit our NEW website for 25% OFF all online orders placed by 30th June 2024.

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